Renting (8 X 40 Unit)

Select the unit size required

Estimating the refrigerated storage size requirements can be simplified when factoring the square footage available in terms of the amount of skids a storage unit can house.

Below you will find a diagram depicting the amount of skids on a single tier layout to an 8’x40’ refrigerated unit

pallet settings 8x40

Determine the specifications of your power supply

Assessing the source of available electric power is a critical element to the planning process.  The first step is to determine the type of power supply available and whether you have access to a Single Phase Distribution or 3-Phase Distribution Service, once the type of power source has been determined the next step would be to identify the voltage output available in order the fulfill to refrigerated equipment’s power requirements.

The essential power requirements are as follows:

Scenario #1

3-Phase power access as follows: 3P/30amps/208V Supply = Step up transformer 208V/480V/15KVA to load.

Scenario #2

3-Phase power access as follows: 3P/30amps/600V Supply = Step down transformer 600V/480V/15KVA to load.

Scenario #3

Single Phase power as follows: 1P/80amps/240V Supply = Converter System / Step up Transformer 240V/480V 15KVA to load.

View the product specifications for further details or simply contact us for assistance.

Consider available upgrade features e.g. additional doorways, lighting etc…

All refrigerated enclosed storage units can be built to suit, therefore modifying the structure with the addition of a walk-in door, lighting, dual temp zone wall dividers, are some of the most common components installed. Give careful consideration to the available options provided when ordering your refrigerated storage unit.



"A trusted cold storage source to our fine customers"

clients wide1

These Temperature controlled Storage Units are supplied with a built-in compressor and coil system connection already complete ready to hook up to your main power source. With a clean appeal and simple installation these units provide instant cold storage space without looking like a temporary set-up.


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Monday-Friday: 8AM ET - 6PM ET

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Sunday: Emergency Lines Open




Self sustained cooler/freezer unit

Available 8x40ft sizes

PVC curtains available to hold refrigerated air in

Easy to clean stainless steel interior

Immediate installation and accessibility

Extended warranties available

Can be re-locatable

Designed to freeze or chill products as required

Inexpensive, eliminates need to lay concrete floor

Emergency response service included

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